Solah Singar Serial Episode 200

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Shakthi Episode 200. Shakthi Post by: administrator. SAKTHI SUN TV EPISODE 200 20/03/15. Thamarai Tamil Serial.

Solah Singar Serial Episode 200Solah Singar Serial Episode 200

Please Like & follow our Fan Page - The show is based on the story of Meera, who is a carefree teenager who thinks the world to be picture perfect and rosy. She is very close to everyone's eye in the Bhardwaj family, and her life revolves around playing with children in and around the bylanes of Benares and tasting the pickles made by the elders of the house.

One day her father died and her mother was a widow.Meera was very sad about her mother new life. She had found that her mother first lover was her small uncle and her mother also loved him.she tried a lot to remarry her mother to his uncle by going against the rules,priests and her grandmother order.she also gets marry to sumer(eldest son of chaturvedis) by forgetting her love Abhimanyu.Going to her in laws, she got a new name Shagun and she got to know that sumer does not love her and in sumer horoscope there is death.She tried a lot to deny the death of sumer.Sumer loved another girl but that girl loves his money.One day Shagun learned that Sumer loved another girl. She went to that girl to explain her to leave sumer but she denies and Shagun announces her a war.